Accountability Tuesdays

Craig Ebinger
1 min readNov 2, 2021


Regressing to the mean is a thing. After going a remarkable 9–3–1 last week, this week I went an equally remarkable 3–12 ATS. That’s not what you’re looking for. 9–6 is over/under picks was nice though.

I was dead wrong this week, it’s as simple as that. I didn’t have a great feel on the week, which was apparent when I had zero Fort Knox picks. I even felt forced to make a few Deadbolt picks I didn’t absolutely love to compensate for that. I’ve been down on the Patriots and Saints all year. That hurt me this week. A couple bad beats in the Bills/Dolphins and Rams/Texans games both went against me. I read too much into injuries to the Packers and Cowboys and that caused some picks to be changed. And then I doubted my gut on Monday Night. It was just a disaster any way you look at it.

I’ll bounce back.



Craig Ebinger

I like sports. I’m very opinionated. I like sharing my opinions and arguing senselessly with anyone who wants to argue.